How to add new user into WordPress account?

If you want to manage your WordPress account with multiple people, instead of sharing your login details, you can create them for each person individually and give them different access rights to Wordpress account. If you would like to do this, follow this step by step instruction below.

1. Log in to your WordPress Account.
2. From the side navigation menu in the left side, choose Users.
3. Click on Add new.
4. Enter the required information: username, email, and password.
5. Check the box for Send this password to the new user by email. Make sure that you have entered the new user’s email correctly.
6. Choose the role that you want to assign to this user. The possible access rights with roles are these:
  • Administrator - This user has access to all of the administrative functions for the WordPress site.
  • Editor - This user can publish and manage posts, including posts created by other users.
  • Author - This user can manage and publish their own posts, but not those of other users.
  • Contributor - This user can write and manage posts but cannot publish them. They need to be published by a higher user.
  • Subscriber - This user can only view the site and manage their own profile.
7. Click Add New User to create a new user.


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