1. Log into your SiteWorx account. (e.g. www.example.com:2443/siteworx/ )
2. Under SiteWorx Menu, click the Hosting Features menu item if it is not already open.
3. Click the FTP menu item and then click on Accounts option.
4. Under the Add an FTP Account field, fill in the following details:
- FTP Username: Enter an FTP username like NewFTPUser.
- Password: Enter a new FTP password in the password field, and the confirm password field or generate a new password by clicking on the Generate button.
- Home Directory: Leave this as it is.
Now you can access your FTP Account by using your newly-created FTP account like:
- Host: Your Website IP or enter your website name like ftp.example.com (replace example.com with your website address).
- Username: NewFTPUser@example.com
- FTP Port: 21 (Default port is 21).
- FTP Password: Your FTP password.
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